Word on the street...

Confessions of a not-so-teenaged drama queen...

Sep 12, 2007

"Give a black man a chance"

Ahh Kanye West...never at a loss for words. On this article fromPerez Hilton, the notorious big mouth is quoted saying “That’s two years in a row, man … give a black man a chance. I’m trying hard man, I have the … number one record, man.” This is in regards to him not winning at the VMA's for the second year in a row.
This article is simple, just a picture of Kanye, and his quote. But it's so much more. Perez does not give his opinion or present anything other than the facts. The readers are left to make their own opinion about Kanye.
He's playing the race card again. What does that have to do with not winning? He must be pretty confident about his record that he thinks he should have won. His record must be great....and so on.
Perez Hilton often has articles like this, where the reader is left to make up his or her own mind about the stars not wearing panties or the racial slurs or the brawls, etc. Simple, but effective.
Let's delve into Kanye though....
Why is he continually playing the race card? By bringing up these non-issues of race he is only drawing attention to the fact that it's still a problem! Now, I don't know George Bush, but I'm sure it was his simple mindedness, and not his racistness that made him forget everyone in New Orleans, prompting Kanye to verbalize his infamous quote, "George Bush doesn't care about black people". Even though I'm not a fan of the man, he probably cares about black people.
As for not winning the MTV video music awards for the past two years.....is it the end of the world, 'man'? NO! Maybe MTV just didn't like your music....they play other black artists!
I know, I know, positive comments only. I like Kanye, I really do, I just think the race issue needs to die, along with Kanyes career, perhaps?

Lowes out.


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